How to Join

Online Membership Form

Thank you for your interest in joining the Valley Aero Modelers.  Joining VAM has many benefits including access to a local flying site, help selecting for your first model, flight instruction, a variety of experienced modelers to learn from, fun events and a great community of radio control flying modelers.

Here are the steps that you need to get started:

  1. If not a current member, join the AMA. (AMA membership is required)
  2. If you have not already done so complete the FAA TRUST test.
  3. Complete the FAA sUAS Registration.
  4. Complete the Valley Aero Modelers Online Membership Form.
  5. Visit the Events Page to learn about upcoming events, meetings & flight training.
  6. Visit the Quarry Field Page to learn more about the club flying site.
  7. Use Club Forums or Facebook Group to communicate with members.

Related Links:


FAA sUAS Registration
FAA sUAS Rules


AMA – Academy of Model Aeronautics